
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

hello everyone 🙂

i am here to share a quick fundraising update!

i have been lucky enough to raise 71.7% of my funds already for my upcoming trip to lead others in romania! i am overjoyed about this, and want to say thank you for the donations i have received from you generous people, as well as a big thank you to those of you who have partnered in prayer with me up to this point. 


my goal for fundraising is to be fully funded by august 30th! 


i am still in need of $865. i am confident that the Lord will provide this money through generous donations and/or the opportunities i have to work for these funds. 


the why behind this trip:

this trip is different than any other trip i’ve been on before. i now have the opportunity to lead and teach and disciple and learn from 23 wonderful men and women of God. these past two weeks, i had the opportunity to go to my second training camp with adventures in missions. it was so surreal to be back in the same place i was 365 days ago and be a completely changed person on the inside. Jesus is so real to me, y’all. He has completely transformed my life, and i want this abundant life for these 23 men & woman, the people we have the privilege to meet in romania, and every other person we ever meet for the rest of our lives. His love is abundant, He is a healer, a provider, and a savior for all. i cannot wait to see what The Lord does in and through us this year. 



the why behind fundraising:

financially supporting me is empowering me to go to the nations to share the gospel in ways i couldn’t do alone. you are partnering with me to do missions across the world. THAT’S REALLY COOL! fundraising is a necessary part to reaching the places that would otherwise not be reached. raising this money is the logistical reason i can do the ministry i do. The Father is the fundamental reason i can do the ministry i do. i can do nothing apart from Him, including raising these funds. 



how can you help me?

  1. pray 

  • pray for the Lord to provide opportunities for me to raise these funds. 

  • pray for the people who will be donating me to have clarity on how much to donate & to have their hearts softened to donating.

  • pray for my squad and my fellow leaders who also are fundraising. fundraising can seem daunting, but The Lord has provided time and time again, and i’m confident He will continue providing. 


  1. donate 

  • ask The Lord if he wants you to donate, or even donate again. 

  • consider sharing this with others who would consider financially supporting this trip.

“how can i donate?”

  1. the easiest way to donate is by clicking the little orange “donate” button at the top of my blog ( 

  2. the second easiest way to donate is through my venmo which is kori-moon. 

  3. the third easiest way to donate is by mailing checks to adventures in missions. if this is something that works best for you, message me for more details on how to do that!


  1. share this with others

  • i would love to have the opportunity to share my story with anyone who would listen. i currently have 116 subscribers who read my blogs, and i would love to have 150 subscribers by the time i leave in august! ask the Lord if he wants you to send this to anyone who would be interested in funny/embarrassing stories, incredible & miraculous stories, or anyone who enjoys seeing pictures from other parts of the world. storytelling is something i’m passionate about, and i want to tell it for many others to hear!


thank you for every single one of you who has supported me prayerfully, financially, & spiritually. i have so much joyous anticipation for this trip!


much love, 


4 responses to “a joyous anticipation!”

  1. Wow excellent and exceedingly clear blog Kori. We see the fruit of your logistics position with Gap V! We’ll be praying for the remainder of the funds to come in.

  2. i appreciate this comment a lot, y’all! i love you both dearly, and thank you for the prayers.

  3. LOVE your blogs/stories ??
    I hear and see your heart ??
    You are an amazing, young woman of God.
    We love and support you, BB!!

  4. Your heart for the Lord and others is obvious and real. I can’t wait to see how God will use you and your team next. Love you so much Koko.