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nine months of expense reports crashing.

nine months of laughter at how terrible some situations felt.

nine months of emailing, booking, banking, transfering, withdrawing, receipting, counting, sitting, waiting, and typing.

oh, logistics.


in some ways i will miss this. in many ways, i won’t. i’ve learned so much from this job, mostly about how you don’t actually have to be stressed unless you choose to be.


thank you, phil, for bringing the peace always. thank you for listening to me freak out and reminding me that Jesus is always bigger.



thank you for indulging my coffee addiction on wednesday mornings,



eating doritos with me in the afternoon,




building a fort with kate and i on our one off day,



and exploring cool art museums while we wait for bus companies and hostels to reply.



this job has taught me patience, how not to stress (& truly mean that) even if you do miss two 37 people flights, and funnily enough, it gave me a lifelong friend that i never would have picked out on my own for so many reasons. i could make this sappier but this isn’t really goodbye, thank God.

i’m so excited we never have to receipt another freaking thing after this thing is over, and i’m the most excited that this isn’t the end of the kori & phil reality tv show that is our friendship. salute to alumni team leading & to never having to do that much math again.


p.s. clay & aimee,

you are rockstars and incredible logistics coordinators. thank you for every single thing you do. we love & appreciate you more than words could say.

thank you for reading the little piece of mi corazón.

much love,


8 responses to “an ode to logistics”

  1. Thank you for everything you do for us. We wouldn’t be where we are now with out yah;)

  2. So glad to hear you’re having so much Joy-building while sharing God’s love to others. Continued thoughts and prayers on this last leg of your journey. Hugs & Smooches.

  3. Good job Kori! Check one item off the list for becoming a qualified parent. That said, if you miss this stuff at all it could be confirmation of an administrative gift.

  4. Hey Kori, Wow, what life changing experiences you’ve shared in the body of Christ! As the body of Christ. Whatever “Logistics” is, seems in the end you have overcome that challenge, as well as many others. You are truly an Overcomer and I am so proud of you! Mostly for being of good courage, which means going and doing, out of your comfort zone, because God sought you to go, in spite of any fear you may have had! And that’s a lesson every Christian needs to learn. Love reading your posts, sharing your richness of life in a close knit community, the joys and struggles, and God’s Blessings on your faith journey! Seems He has ignited a fire in you Kori, that is a light to all around you! Yaah God! Love you! Here’s to His continued amazing grace upon your future. ????

  5. BEST. LOGISTICS. TEAM. EVER. thank you for all of your hard that you have put in the last 9 months. I appreciate you and philip more than u know. love u, see u soon